Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hike4Fathers Across America 2008

Who: William “Cody” Bateman (aka Spanky)

What: Hike4Fathers Across America

When: June, 2008

Where: The 2,172-mile Appalachian Trail

Why: When a father understands and fulfills his role in the lives of his offspring - his children are better able to contribute to their own families, their local communities and in service to their country.

"Voices of My Father" - objective number one

...a compilation of advice given to children without fathers by real life fathers Cody meets as he hikes more than 2,000 miles across America.

“Voices of My Father” is a compilation of advice recorded by Mr. Bateman (Spanky) as he traverses the famed 2,172-mile Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia in 2008. This inspirational book will be made available to everyone who longed to hear a father’s advice but until now, could not! This book will be a bi-lingual project designed to encourage fatherless youth in how to live life, avoid pitfalls and receive encouragement - from our nation’s fathers!

"Images of My Father" - objective number two

...a compelling photographic expose’ of fathers interacting with their children, as seen through the eyes and camera lens of Cody Bateman as he Hike4Fathers across the American frontier.

“Images of My Father” is a great photo compilation put together with the same intentions as “Voices of My Father”, creating a wonderful word picture of fathers interacting with their families - a real source of encouragement for families everywhere! It will make a presentation for father’s and their families alike.

"Truth Hiker Devotional" - objective number three

... a Sportsman’s Devotional for Hikers - a unique daily backpacker devotional challenging readers to consider the Creator, not just His creation - using scientific material researched by the internationally recognized creation research organization - Answers in Genesis and Institute for Creation Research.