Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Just as it was in the Days of Noah...

"Things are very different than when I was a kid your age." my father would say. A young lad at the time; I would just sit there on the front porch with dad and listen to him. "Yep! When I was your age, I remember my neighbor getting a new fangled thing called a television set. All the kids in the neighborhood would all gather 'round in the living room and watch the test pattern on the screen."

"Boy... what a weird thing for dad to do!", I thought to myself. In my mind, I quickly inventoried all the cool stuff I had in my possession; an AM pocket radio that ran on AA batteries; a 13-inch black and white t.v. that had both VHF and UHF; a new reel to reel that was small enough to fit in my lunchbox and cartoons!"

Thirty years have passed and I am thinking to myself, "Things are very different than when I was a kid growing up."

It seems that "one hundred year weather events" are occuring on an annual basis, nudity on televison has replaced cartoons which are themselves rich with graphic sexual innuendo, science is outpacing moral absolutes and God has finally died in the minds of a whole generation of young people.

The older folks remained clutched to their possessions they "worked so hard to obtain" and their siblings are wondering how they will buy bread when they are their parents age.

Babies are called "fetuses" and therefore; not privy to a right to live and yet, Terry Shiavo's removal of her feeding tube is raising international uproar because she cannot speak for herself either.

The bible is taken out of our public schools so students can kill one another over everything from taunting, drugs and gangs to sex, hatred and vengeance.

Science spends billions of dollars to prove there is no God only to discover that they cannot fathom the complex discoveries in the universe proving their theories were wrong all along.

When I was a lad; walking in the woods behind my house was an incredible adventure that opened my eyes and mind to the thought that there must have been a pretty big God to create such wonders. Today, people worship nature as if it were to be revered more than the God who made it.

I have hiked the Appalachian Trail; my feet have reached the pinnacles of mountain summits; my ears have heard the nocturnal meanderings of the wilderness night; and I have met the pained souls of men seeking the meaning of life as they traversed God's creation. They have no lasting peace in them; no joy; no answers... they just hike and hope one day that things would be different than before.

I have concluded a thing. I and my dad was wrong. Nothing really has changed at all. God is. We aren't. He wills. We can't. He loves. We hate. He gives. We take away. He offers. We reject. He says He is coming. We say things are just as it was during our father's time.

"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot--they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all-- so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed." The Book of Luke (bible) 17:27-30

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